Saturday 20 September 2014

Micheal and Allisons Wedding!!

My cousin Micheal got married last week to my friend Allison MacNiell. Their wedding was beautiful! It was such a happy day!

Monday 8 September 2014

Good Bye Summer, Hello New School Year!

Well another summer is over and done and I am now in my second last year of high school, a fresh reminder of how quickly time is passing! We started school on Thursday and I was happy to find that Nadia is in all of my classes but one and she and Jayne are both on my lunch (very exciting news)!
  A new school year is always challenging as a young Christian girl, being faced with the pressures of the school system, the business of the schedule, trying to plan your courses around a future career.... amidst all this it can be hard to find a peaceful time to settle down and just spend time with God. At the conference two weeks ago, Matthew Cain addressed this issue and he encouraged the young Christians to "MAKE time to read your Bibles, If you know the scriptures, you will have a stronger testimony for Him".
 The night before school started I read these verses and I think they are one of the most important things to carry with me through this new year:
 "That you might walk worthy of the Lord unto all pleasing, being fruitful in
 every good work, and increasing in the knowledge of God" (Colossians 1:10)
 "Whereunto I also labour, striving according to his working, which 
worketh in me mightily." (Colossians 1:29)
I realized, we dont need to be so caught up it this world and what matters to everyone at school right now, it matters what we are doing for God and what matters to Him! The knowledge of this world shouldnt be my focus, it should be my knowledge of Him! I need to be allowing him to work in me, rather than pushing him out because I'm to busy with my own work! I'm not saying school work isnt important, but when it comes right down to it, it's not going to do me any good in the long run! I guess prioritizing is the key. Learning to put God first and everything else second will be the most beneficial thing I can learn this year!

Good luck to those of you starting off a new school year yourself, I hope my little spiel can be an encouragement to those of you who may be feeling the same way!

Tuesday 2 September 2014

Our Crazy, Awesome Weekend!

This weekend we wnt to Clementsvale for their annual conference. We took Jayne and Morgan with us and stayed at the Mclellands. Conference was amazing and we had a blast! Then on the way home we randomly stopped at the Oakland Farm Zoo, afterwhich we continued home and went camping on the beach with Hannah and Madeline!

Conference was at a beautiful beach that you can walk on at break

At the zoo : first stop - reptile area!

camping the night we got home!

Thursday 28 August 2014

Joel and Emily's wedding

Joel and Emily were married on August 15. It was a beautiful wedding and it was a chance to once again see the family from away who came up for the wedding; my Uncle and Aunt and cousins from Venezuela and my Uncle and Aunt from Alberta!

Joel's first glimpse of Emily

Susana and Johanna - the flower girls

the beautiful bridesmaids

the groomsmen

A hastily made farwell and they were off in a cloud of dust!

Our Camping Trip

Well we enjoyed an amazing week and a half at Twin Shores in our Uncle and Aunts beautiful camper! There was lots of time to visit with Sandra and our family - up for Joel and Emily's wedding - who would come over to visit.  We had lots of fun but I'm happy to be back home!

Visiting with my Aunt and Uncle from Alberta

enjoying a bonfire with Sandra

Aunt Peggy came to visit as well

Susana and Tessa playing on the swings at Nanna and grampies at the rehersal