Monday 17 February 2014

Things to be Thankful for:


There are so many things in this life that we take for granted, today I decided to create a list of some of the many things we have to be thankful for, but we so often take for granted:

1. Family

2. Friends

3. Gods Word

5. A Home
6. A Free Country


7. A Promise of ETERNAL LIFE in HEAVEN!


Thursday 13 February 2014


There was a baptism for some of the Filipinos two weeks ago! So glad that the Lord brought them here and saved them!  It was amazing seeing them all get baptized and amazing seeing the great work God is doing!
There were 7 of our Filipino friends baptized unfortunately, I only have the videos for six of them!

Some of the Philipinos from Shediac came as well!

Thursday 6 February 2014

Fun with the Filipinos!!

We had the Filipinos for a sleepover and went skidooing!  We had lots of fun! After that we went to Pam and Andrew's for a surprise birthday party for Hannah!

Sunday 2 February 2014

Blessings from God

The last couple of weeks ago, dad started some special gosple meetings at the house of some of our friends in Shediac. There has been some major blessing there: two people got saved!!

One of the Filipinos that got saved and his girlfriend who is also saved

Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners~1 Timothy 1:15

The hymn sing afterwards: There was a lot of rejoicing going on!