Wednesday 28 May 2014

Rainy Reflections

The last couple of days have been quite dreary. 
It's been rainy, cold and gloomy. 
Once the rain subsided, I went outside to take pictures of everything 
oh my, everything looked so fresh and new and beautiful.

This opened up my mind to a new perspective
Sometimes in our Christian lives, we can go through a "rain"
Some trying time that God wants to bring us through
but just like the resent weather, 
Once you've come through this storm, 
You'll see that God has used this to create something better for you
Something beautiful and new
He has used it to refresh you, 
just like how the rain takes away all the dust and dirt
making everything more pure and vibrant.


Have a great day everyone!


Wednesday 7 May 2014

Missionary Conference!!!

sooo excited!
 Tomorrow I'm leaving with a van load that is 
 heading over for Missionary Conference! I can't wait!!!

Monday 5 May 2014


Mom and I just got back from our daily run. 
 We've been running lately because I might participate in the Colour Run coming to PEI this summer! 
It looks really fun and even if it doesn't work out to do it, its fun going for a run every day. 
The Colour Run is a 5km event where as you run you are being sprayed with powder paint.  
By the end of it you are totally covered in a rainbow of colour!
These are pics of past Colour Run events:
(so cool!)


Friday 2 May 2014

Catching up

Wow! It feels like the last few months just FLEW by! 
 So much has happened since I last posted! 
School has been busy with midterms and tests, there have been storm days, beautiful days when the snow 
has melted, conferences, birthdays...  
Life is zooming by! 
It's scary to think how fast the last few months, or even years, have gone! 
 Here are some pictures of what we've been up these past months:

Charlie wishing he was outside

the storm days covered everything in ice and snow and gave up about a week off school!

Days starting to get nicer!

The osprey and its nest up the road

Monday after conference weekend at Bridgewater (it was an amazing conference) we stayed at John and Elaine Meekins

Their dogs Gregory and Oscar (so cute!)
 Going for a walk to the duck pond down the road from the Meekins

Courtney's 12 birthday!