Monday 10 December 2012


YAYYYYYYYY!!! I'm so excited! It finally snowed enough to cover the ground and let us out of school! The snow has now turned into freezing rain and is coming down hard! VERY EXCITING! Here's some pic's: (by the way, this isn't the first snowfall, the first one lasted for a day then melted... I'll put pics of it too)
First snowfall: Max, my cousins dog loves the snow!

Max jumping to catch the snowballs i throw for him

The farm horses were put inside for the night ~ this is Fuse



2nd snowfall: (today) the field

Snow covered trees!

out my bedroom window, the covered lawn

part of the backyard

Courtney and her firend were out on their 4 wheelers and made lots of tracks!

Thursday 22 November 2012

Let it snow!!!!!.... PLEASE!

It's nearing the end of November and in fact there are only 33 days till Christmas and theres NO SNOW!!! :(   It's soon sad! I keep thinking of those many romps through the snow with my brothers and sisters, that always turn into a good old snowball fight. And the fun we have racing through the snow covered field on the skidoos.
 My dad, brother, sister and I all go on a snowshoeing trip together while my youngest sister and my mother stay home and make a beautiful gingerbread house. ahhh memories.... Singing carols, having hot chocolate or hot apple cider, making snowmen and waking up to a school cancelation due to the snow and ice conditions!!! :D.
Then theres always Christmas when everyones feeling festive and all the family comes home to have Christmas dinner! Its soo fun! Choosing the perfect gifts for each other and remember the birth of our wonderful Savior.... wow. I LOVE WINTER! 
Memories from last year:

Courtneys snowman Fred

Laura trying out the new snowshoes before school. Shes in a skirt haha

After a snowshoeing trip mom and courtney brought stuff for a small bonfire!
Couldn't find a snowmobiling picture....

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Back to School

Well, I'm having mixed feelings today, seeing as school is starting tomorrow, and it's raining. My summer has been totally AMAZING   and I wish it could go on longer but I will be happy to get back to school. Here are some memories from my summer: 

                          First of all, was our trip to the states with Sandra and Donna

                                           Then there was the time in Sussex:

                                  Then back to the states with my family and friends;

                                       After that, we went to my cousins wedding

             Then to top it all off, my cousins came home from SA with there new baby girl!

   Now school is waiting just around the corner! But i will be happy to go because me and my friend Nadia will be starting our grade 9 year off together! (in the same class!)

Wednesday 1 August 2012


Wow! Summer vacation is awesome!!!! I haven't been posting for I while because I've been on a trip to the states with friends! It was AWESOME! we went to Six Flags a few times and on my bithday, to the zoo!! We also went fishing and i caught a fish for the fist time!!! (crazy right!) anyway then I came back to Canada only to find myself in sussex with rest of my family because Dad was having meetings! Now, I am enjoying being back home before another trip to the states for more meetings! haha I've got a VERY busy summer on my hands!


Random zoo pics

Awesome restaurant we went to after the zoo

It rained one day when we went to six flags

in the pool at sussex

at the cori. AWESOME jumping spot!

my silly dad

with some friends at a wharf

                                                      overall i had an awesome trip!