Thursday 22 November 2012

Let it snow!!!!!.... PLEASE!

It's nearing the end of November and in fact there are only 33 days till Christmas and theres NO SNOW!!! :(   It's soon sad! I keep thinking of those many romps through the snow with my brothers and sisters, that always turn into a good old snowball fight. And the fun we have racing through the snow covered field on the skidoos.
 My dad, brother, sister and I all go on a snowshoeing trip together while my youngest sister and my mother stay home and make a beautiful gingerbread house. ahhh memories.... Singing carols, having hot chocolate or hot apple cider, making snowmen and waking up to a school cancelation due to the snow and ice conditions!!! :D.
Then theres always Christmas when everyones feeling festive and all the family comes home to have Christmas dinner! Its soo fun! Choosing the perfect gifts for each other and remember the birth of our wonderful Savior.... wow. I LOVE WINTER! 
Memories from last year:

Courtneys snowman Fred

Laura trying out the new snowshoes before school. Shes in a skirt haha

After a snowshoeing trip mom and courtney brought stuff for a small bonfire!
Couldn't find a snowmobiling picture....

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