Monday 28 May 2012

Last Weekends Work and Play

Housework! When this word in our house falls on the ears of us kids, suddenly those man-eating mosquitoes I talked about the other day, seem pretty temping!  The housework I'm talking about includes dishes and painting! Well, I guess painting can be excluded because us kids don't have to do it, only mom. She's painting the up-stairs bathroom a browny-goldish color. The dishes part of things is what we had to do. Our dishwasher broke!!! Fortunately, it was only for the short season of 4 days (it got fixed this afternoon)! There has also been yard work going on. Dad is doing the landscaping. He's using the farm dump truck and the tractor by hauling dirt from a spot across the field to the back yard and then flattening it up. The reason for the landscaping is that a tree fell over last fall in a "terrible gale" and when dad took out the tree (roots and all) the place looked 'a little bare'. Then, a little while ago it moved up to 'kinda empty' when dad moved the shed to further back in the yard (we had a little fright when a black "kitty cat" with a white stripe down it's back, came toddling out from under the shed and went out to the woods). So he decided to get some grass growing back in the yard. Anyway, that was the work, now for the wonderful word play. Friday night I had a birthday party to go to, then I went to a 'girls' bible study. When I came home from that, I found my family watching the totally awesome movie, National treasure! Saturday night we had a bonfire at the beach with some friends and family (smores included!!)! Then Sunday of course is the Lords day so the only thing that happened then was a visit with friends for dinner and then after a gosple    meeting a visit with our cousins up the road. Anyway, it all accounted to a pretty full week(end) but it was pretty fun! Here are some landscaping pictures:

back yard

cool pic of the dump truck

the back yard

view facing forward from where dad's getting the dirt

You can sort of see the path dad wore out with the d-truck through the field

Burning the stumps and some brush

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