Tuesday 19 February 2013

Our Newest Excitement

Sooo, there hasn't been much going on in the Hebron area lately, except for the ocasional ride on the skidoo, a snowstorm and Laura's birthday. Because of the snowstorm, we also have a new source of fun. A snow hill! Dad blew out the lane and made a pretty awesome hill for us with the snow from the lane, so we've been practicing our snowbording, and having some fun sledding, on it lately.

It was there just in time for Laura's birthday, so Nadia, Moriah, Jayne, Laura and I could all entertain ourselves while waiting our turns for the skidoo.  Laura's birthday turned out pretty fun... we ended up having 3 partys for her. one at grammies with just the fam., one at our house with all her friends, and one, again at our house on her offical birthday because our cousin Grace was there and thought she was there to celibrate Lauras birthday. :D

Here's Laura on her birthday with grammie. :D

Here's me on the snowboard

 Here's Courtney
 And Laura with Courtney's laughter in the background.... oh dear.

hahahaha couldn't resist putting this pic on of Nadia, this was a few weeks ago.... we drew on each others faces.
It was a fun week, we don't want to sing happy birthday to Laura for a while though.

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