Friday 22 November 2013

Summer Fun Part 2

Well, I know this took a long time coming, schools been keeping me busy! But better late than never I guess!
Here are some other things we did this summer! On the way back from Sarnia, we stopped in Toronto to visit our uncle Mark and see some sights. First we went to the CN tower!
While still light out....

While Dark out!

the view from the glass floor

all of us on the glass floor except for Luke who wasnt on the trip with us, and mom who was too scared!

The view of the city

Us and Uncle Mark
 we then traveled to Old Qubec where we enjoyed seeing all the old buildings 
and looking at all the little side stores!

 We also went to Canadas Wonderland after that but i have no pics of that unfortunately


  1. Look like a lot of fun:)

    Take care,

    1. Yes! I really enjoyed it! I love travleing!! :D
